This skin soothing ANTIDOTE specifically fights the clinical symptoms of hypersensitive skin such as redness, dry tightness, burning, and reduces the appearance of broken capillaries. This unique formula contains Gatuline ® Derma-Sensitive, a natural soothing active oil delivered from caper buds which contains cappaprenois, compounds partly responsible for the anti- inflammatory activity of capers. Supercritical CO2 extract of german chamomile rich in matricin is used in this complex for its remarkable calming, anti-allergic effect and also for its vasoconstrictor benefit useful for rosacea sufferers. This ANTIDOTE is a good source of essential fatty acids.
Botanical Science
Gatuline® Derma-Sensitive
German Camomille CO2 Extracted
Antidote 03 - Redness Relief 1oz - Replenishing and desensitizing lipid complex